Publications in journals with Impact Factor (IF) {(*) corresponding author)}

  1. Hossain MM, Rahman MH, Tina FW, Shahjahan M*. Present scenario and prospects of the use of aquatic plants in aquaculture – a review. Aquaculture International, 32, 6791–6825; 2024. (Springer; IF= 2.2)
  2. Mondal P, Hoque MS, Rahman MA, Hasan MM, Chakma S, Islam MS, Shahjahan M. Occurrence, characteristics, and distribution of microplastics in commercial marine fishes of the Bay of Bengal. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 208, 117020; 2024. (Elsevier; IF=5.3)
  3. Moniruzzaman M, Khan MM, SultanaZ, Shahjahan M, Islam MS. Assessment of sub-lethal effects of celcron on java barb through erythrocyte morphology and acetylcholinesterase activity: implications for environmental health in aquatic ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 953, 176231; 2024. (Elsevier; IF=8.2)
  4. Diakos E, Chevalier C, Shahjahan M, Hardy A, Lambert S, Kestemont P, Fontaine P, Pasquet A, Lecocq, T. Early impact of domestication on aggressiveness, activity, and stress behaviors in zebrafish (Danio rerio) using mirror test and automated video tracking. Scientific Reports, 14, 21036; 2024. (Springer; IF= 3.8)
  5. Naziat A, Islam SMM, Chakrabarty J, Paray BA, Zahangir MM, Ando H, Shahjahan M*. Elevated temperature impairs gonadal development by suppressing the expression of the genes for kisspeptin, GnRH1 and GTH subunits in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part A, 297, 111714; 2024. (Elsevier; IF=2.1)
  6. Zannat MM, Rohani MF, Jeba RZ, Shahjahan M*. Multi-species probiotics ameliorate salinity-induced growth retardation in striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. International Journal of Environmental Research, 18, 89; 2024. (Springer; IF= 2.6)
  7. Emon FJ, Hasan J, Shahriar SIM, Islam N, Islam MS, Shahjahan M*. Increased ingestion and toxicity of polyamide microplastics in Nile tilapia with increase of salinity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 282, 116730; 2024. (Elsevier; IF=6.2)
  8. Hossain MK, Naziat A, Atikullah M, Hasan MT, Ferdous Z, Paray BA, Zahangir MM, Shahjahan M*. Probiotics relieve growth retardation and stress by upgrading immunity in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) during extreme temperature events. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 316, 116054; 2024. (Elsevier; IF=2.5)
  9. Shahriar SIM, Islam N, Emon FJ,Ashaf-Ud-Doulah M, Khan S, Shahjahan M*. Size dependent accumulation and effects of microplastics on survivability, hematology and intestinal histopathology of juvenile striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus). Chemosphere, 356, 141827; 2024. (Elsevier; IF=8.1)
  10. Roslan NA, Sukri SAM, Wei LS, Shahjahan M, Rohani MF, Yea CS, Kabir MA, Guru A, Goh KW, Kallem P, Kari ZA. Replacement of fishmeal by fermented spent coffee ground: effects on growth performance, feed stability, blood biochemistry, liver, and intestinal morphology of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Aquaculture Reports, 36, 102073; 2024. (Elsevier; IF=3.2)
  11. Siddique MF, Haque MA, Barman AC, Tanu MB, Shahjahan M, Uddin M.J. Freshwater pearl culture in Bangladesh: Current status and prospects. Heliyon, 10 (7), E29023; 2024. (Elsevier; IF=4.0)
  12. Hossain MK, Naziat A, Chakrabarty J, Ashaf-Ud-Doulah M, Zahangir MM, Shahjahan M*. Amelioration of gonadal development by increased expression of kisspeptin, GnRH and GTH subunit genes in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared with probiotics. Aquaculture, 588, 740915; 2024. (Elsevier; IF=4.5)
  13. Jannat R, Zahangir MM, Naziat A, Islam SMM, Abdelazim AM, Mahboub HH, Shahjahan M*. Hypoxia alters the upper thermal limits and blood physiology in zebrafish, Danio rerio. Journal of Thermal Biology, 121, 103837; 2024. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  14. Shahjahan M, Rahman ML, Ohno Y, Zahangir MM, Ando H. Lunar age-dependent oscillations in expression of the genes for kisspeptin, GnIH and their receptors in the grass puffer during the spawning season. Zoological Science, 41(1), 97–104; 2024.
  15. Khan HMS, Hasan J, Manik M, Farukh MA, Shahjahan M. Pervasiveness of microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract of some selected fishes from Turag River alongside the capital city of Bangladesh. Emerging Contaminants, 10(3), 100309; 2024. (Elsevier; IF= 6.0)
  16. Al-Emran M, Zahangir MM, Badruzzaman M, Shahjahan M*. Influences of photoperiod on growth and reproduction of farmed fishes – prospects in aquaculture. Aquaculture Reports, 35, 101978; 2024. (Elsevier; IF= 3.7) 
  17. Ferdous Z, Hossain MK, Hadiuzzaman M, Rafiquzzaman SM, Halim KMA, Rahman T, Faruk MAR, Kari ZA, Shahjahan M*. Multi-species probiotic enhances survival, growth, intestinal microbiota and disease resistance of rohu (Labeo rohita) larvae. Water Biology and Security, 3, 100234; 2024.
  18. Ferdous Z, Rafiquzzaman SM, Shahjahan M*. Probiotics ameliorate chromium-induced growth retardation and stress in Indian major carp rohu, Labeo rohita. Emerging Contaminants, 10 (2), 100291; 2024. (Elsevier; IF= 6.0) 
  19. Hossain MM, Shahjahan M, Rahman MH, Khan S, Saha N. Development of a sustainable polyculture technique using Asian watergrass as fish feed in the southern coastal region of Bangladesh. Aquaculture Studies 24 (4), 1309; 2024.
  20. Hasan J, Shahriar SIM, Shahjahan M*. Release of microfibers from surgical face masks: an undesirable contributor to aquatic pollution. Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics, 2(4): 18; 2023.
  21. Hossain MK, Shahjahan M*, Kari ZA, Téllez-Isaías G. Trends in the use of probiotics in aquaculture of Bangladesh – present state, problems and prospects. Aquaculture Research, 2023, 5566980; 2023. (Wiley; IF=2.0)
  22. Gaffar MA, Zaman MK, Islam MS, Islam M, Hossain MK, Shahriar SIM, Shahjahan M*. Effects of probiotics on growth, survival, and intestinal and liver morphometry of Gangetic mystus (Mystus cavasius). Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 30, 103683; 2023. (Elsevier; IF=4.4)
  23. Hasan J, Siddik AB, Ghosh AK, Mesbah SB, Sadat MA, Shahjahan M*. Increase in temperature increases ingestion and toxicity of polyamide microplastics in Nile tilapia. Chemosphere, 327, 138502; 2023. (Elsevier; IF= 8.8)
  24. Sohel AM, Shahjahan M*, Hossain MK, Sumi KR, Hossain MS, Kari ZA, Tahiluddin AB, Wei LS, Goh KW. Effects of multispecies probiotics on growth, hematology, and gut health of stinging catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) in biofloc system. Water, 15, 2519; 2023. (MDPI; IF= 3.4)
  25. Ferdous SR, Amin A, Hasan J, Alam MS, Shahjahan M*. Prevalence of microplastics in commonly consumed fish species from the river Old Brahmaputra, Bangladesh. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 85639–85654; 2023. (Springer; IF= 5.8)
  26. Kari ZA, Goh KW, Mat K, Ishak AR, Dom NC, Abdel-Warith AA, Khoo MI, Hamid NKA, Davies SJ, Rohani MF, Shahjahan M, Kabir MA, Wei LS. Effect of fish meal substitution with Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) on growth performance, feed stability, blood biochemistry, liver and gut morphology of Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens). Aquaculture Nutrition, Accepted; 2023. (Wiley; IF=3.5)
  27. Emon FJ, Rohani MF, Sumaiya N, Jannat MFT, Akter Y, Shahjahan M*, Kari ZA, Tahiluddin AB, Goh KW. Bioaccumulation and bioremediation of heavy metals in fishes – a review. Toxics, 11, 510; 2023. (MDPI; IF=4.6)
  28. Howlader S, Sumi KR, Sarkar S, Billah SM, Ali ML, Howlader J, Shahjahan M. Effects of dietary replacement of fish meal by soybean meal on growth, feed utilization, and health status of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 30, 103601; 2023. (Elsevier; IF=4.4)
  29. Rohani MF, Tarin T, Hasan J, Islam SMM, Shahjahan M*. Vitamin E supplementation in diet ameliorates growth of Nile tilapia by upgrading muscle health. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 30, 103558; 2023. (Elsevier; IF=4.4)
  30. Hasan J,Dristy EY, Anjumanara, Mondal P, Hoque MS, Sumon KA, Hossain MAR, Shahjahan M*. Dried fish more prone to microplastics contamination over fresh fish - higher potential of trophic transfer to human body. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 250, 114510; 2023. (Elsevier; IF=6.8)
  31. Ritu J, Ambati RR, Ravishankar GA, Shahjahan M, Khan S. Utilization of astaxanthin from microalgae as a feed supplement in aquaculture and poultry industry: An overview. Journal of Applied Phycology, 35(1), 145–171; 2023. (Springer; IF=3.3)
  32. Hasan J, Abedin MA, Alam SI, Hasan MK, Hosenuzzaman M, Mahamud R, Shahjahan M*. Microplastics contamination of the coastal hill soils: perspective of Rohingya Refugee camps in Bangladesh. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 32 (4), 448-459; 2023. (IF=3.1)
  33. Billah SM, Sumi KR, Howlader S, Sarkar S, Ferdous Z, Islam SMM, Shahjahan M. Effects of supplemental L-methionine for total replacement of fish meal by soybean meal on growth, feed utilization, and health status of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis fry. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries, 2(5), 355-363; 2022. (Wiley)
  34. Hasan J,Ferdous SR, Rabiya SBA, Hossain MF, Hasan AKMM, Shahjahan M*. Histopathological response and recovery in gills and liver of Nile tilapia exposed to diesel oil. Toxicology Report, 9, 1863-1868; 2022. (Elsevier)
  35. Hossain MK, Islam SMM, Rafiquzzaman SM, Nuruzzaman M, Hossain MT, Shahjahan M*. Multi-species probiotics enhance growth of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) through upgrading gut, liver and muscle health. Aquaculture Research, 53 (16), 5710-5719; 2022. (Wiley; IF=2.0)
  36. Rohani MF, Bristy AA, Hasan J, Hossain MK, Shahjahan M*. Dietary zinc in association with vitamin-E promotes growth performance of Nile tilapia. Biological Trace Element Research, 200, 4150–4159; 2022. (Springer; IF=3.9)
  37. Hossain MK, Hossain MM, Mim ZT, Khatun H, Hossain MT, Shahjahan M*. Multi-species probiotics improve growth, intestinal microbiota and morphology of Indian major carp mrigal Cirrhinus cirrhosus. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 9, 103399; 2022. (Elsevier; IF=4.4)
  38. Hadiuzzaman M, Moniruzzaman M, Shahjahan M, Bai SC, Min T, Hossain Z. Beta-glucan: Mode of action and uses in fish immunomodulation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 905986; 2022. (Frontiers; IF=3.7)
  39. Zahangir MM, Shahjahan M, Ando H. Kisspeptin exhibits stimulatory effects on expression of the genes for kisspeptin receptor, GnRH1 and GTH subunits in the grass puffer, a semilunar-synchronized spawner. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13, 917258; 2022. (Frontiers; IF=5.2)
  40. Shahjahan M*, Islam MJ, Hossain MT, Mishu MA, Hasan J, Brown C. Blood biomarkers as diagnostic tools: An overview of climate-driven stress responses in fish. Science of the Total Environment, 843, 156910; 2022. (Elsevier; IF= 9.8)
  41. Shahjahan M*, Taslima K, Rahman MS, Al-Emran M, Alam SI, Faggio C. Effects of heavy metals on fish physiology – a review. Chemosphere, 300, 134519; 2022. (Elsevier; IF= 8.8)
  42. Taslima K, Al-Emran M, Rahman MS, Hasan J, Ferdous Z, Rohani MF, Shahjahan M*. Impacts of heavy metals on early development, growth and reproduction of fish – a review. Toxicology Reports, 9, 858-868; 2022. (Elsevier)
  43. Al-Emran M, Hasan NA, Khan MP, Islam SMM, Bashar A, Zulfahmi I, Shahjahan M, Sumon KA. Alterations in hematological parameters and the structure of peripheral erythrocytes in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to profenofos. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 29049–29061; 2022. (Springer; IF= 5.8)
  44. Islam SMM, Akhter F, Jahan I, Rashid H, Shahjahan M*. Alterations of oxygen consumption and gills morphology of Nile tilapia acclimatized to extreme warm ambient temperature. Aquaculture Reports, 23, 101089; 2022. (Elsevier; IF=3.7)
  45. Hasan J, Islam SMM, Alam MS, Johnson D, Belton B, Hossain MAR, Shahjahan M*. Presence of microplastics in two common dried marine fish species from Bangladesh. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 176, 113430; 2022. (Elsevier; IF=5.8)
  46. Hossain F, Islam SMM, Islam MS, Shahjahan M*. Behavioral and histo-pathological indices of striped catfish (Pangasionodon hypophthalmus) exposed to different salinities. Aquaculture Reports, 23, 101038; 2022. (Elsevier; IF=3.7)
  47. Uddin MH, Ali MH, Sumon KA, Shahjahan M, Rashid H. Effects of pyrethroid pesticide cypermethrin on the gonad and hemato-biochemical parameters of female gangetic mystus (Mystus cavasius). Aquaculture Studies, 22(3), 819; 2022.
  48. Sarkar MM, Rohani MF, Hossain MAR, Shahjahan M*. Evaluation of heavy metal contamination in some selected commercial fish feeds used in Bangladesh. Biological Trace Element Research, 200, 844-854; 2022. (Springer; IF=3.9)
  49. Hasan AKMM, Ferdous SR, Islam SMM, Haghiri M, Shahjahan M*. Response and recovery of Nile tilapia exposed to diesel oil; behavioral, hemato-biochemical and morphological changes of erythrocytes. Toxicology Reports, 9, 549-555; 2022. (Elsevier)
  50. Rohani MF, Islam SMM, Hossain MK, Ferdous Z, Siddik MAB, Nuruzzaman M, Padeniya U, Brown C, Shahjahan M*. Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics improved the functionality of aquafeed: upgrading growth, reproduction, immunity and disease resistance in fish. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 120, 569-589; 2022. (Elsevier; IF= 4.7)
  51. Hossain F, Islam SMM, Ashaf-Ud-Doulah M, Ali MS, Islam MS, Brown C, Shahjahan M*. Influences of salinity on embryonic and larval development of striped catfish Pangasionodon hypophthalmus. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 781951; 2021. (Frontiers; IF=3.7)
  52. Siddik MAB, Pham HD, Francis DS, Vo BV, Shahjahan M. Dietary supplementation of fish protein hydrolysate in high plant protein diets modulates growth, liver and kidney health, and immunity of barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Aquaculture Nutrition, 27, 86-98; 2021. (Wiley; IF=3.5)
  53. Shahjahan M*, Islam SMM, Bablee AL, Siddik MAB, Fotedar R. Sumithion usage in aquaculture: benefit or forfeit? Reviews in Aquaculture, 13(4), 2092-2111; 2021. (Wiley; IF=10.4)
  54. Akter S, Jahan N, Rohani MF, Akter Y, Shahjahan M*. Chromium supplementation in diet enhances growth and feed utilization of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus). Biological Trace Element Research, 199, 4811-4819; 2021. (Springer; IF=3.9)
  55. Suchana SA, Ahmed MS, Islam SMM, Rahman ML, Rohani MF, Ferdusi T, Ahammad AKS, Fatema MK, Badruzzaman M, Shahjahan M*. Chromium exposure causes structural aberrations of erythrocytes, gills, liver, kidney and genetic damage in striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. Biological Trace Element Research, 199, 3869–3885; 2021. (Springer; IF=3.9)
  56. Jahan N, Islam SMM, Rohani MF, Hossain MT, Shahjahan M*. Probiotic yeast enhances growth performance of rohu (Labeo rohita) through upgrading hematology, and intestinal microbiota and morphology. Aquaculture, 545, 737243; 2021. (Elsevier; IF=4.5)
  57. Islam SMM, Rohani MF, Shahjahan M*. Probiotic yeast enhances growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) through morphological modifications of intestine. Aquaculture Reports, 21, 100800; 2021. (Elsevier; IF=3.7)
  58. Sharmin S, Islam MT, Sadat MA, Jannat R, Alam MR, Shahjahan M*. Sumithion-induced structural erythrocytes alteration and damage to the liver and kidney of Nile tilapia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 36695–36706; 2021. (Springer; IF= 5.8)
  59. Rahman ML, Shahjahan M, Ahmed N. Tilapia farming in Bangladesh: Adaptation to climate change. Sustainability, 13, 7657; 2021. (MDPI; IF= 3.9)
  60. Shahjahan M*, Zahangir MM, Islam SMM, Ashaf-Ud-Doulah M, Ando H. Higher acclimation temperature affects growth of rohu (Labeo rohita) through suppression of GH and IGFs genes expression actuating stress response. Journal of Thermal Biology, 100, 103032; 2021. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  61. Hossain MM, Shahjahan M, Khan S, Juraimi AS, Uddin MK, Hasan M. Potentialities of the Asian watergrass (Hygroryza aristata) as feed in aquaculture. Sustainability, 13, 6559; 2021. (MDPI; IF=3.9)
  62. Sultana Z, Khan M, Mostakim GM, Moniruzzaman M, Rahman MK, Shahjahan M, Islam MS. Studying the effects of profenofos, an endocrine disruptor on organogenesis of zebrafish. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 20659–20667; 2021. (Springer; IF=5.8)
  63. Ashaf-Ud-Doulah M, Islam SMM, Zahangir MM, Islam MS, Brown C, Shahjahan M*. Increased water temperature interrupts embryonic and larval development of Indian major carp rohu Labeo rohita. Aquaculture International, 29(2), 711-722; 2021. (Springer; IF=2.9)
  64. Badruzzaman M, Shahjahan M, Roy PK, Talukder AK. Rotenone alters behavior and reproductive functions of freshwater catfish, Mystus cavasius, through deficits of dopaminergic neurons in the brain. Chemosphere, 263, 128355; 2021. (Elsevier; IF=8.8)
  65. Rahman MS, Sumon KA, Uddin MJ, Shahjahan M*. Toxic effects of fenitrothion on freshwater microcosms in Bangladesh. Toxicology Reports, 7, 1622-1628; 2020. (Elsevier)
  66. Mishu MM, Mostakim GM, Khatun MM, Rahman MK, Shahjahan M, Islam MS. Sperm movement and morphological changes in the silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) exposed to quinalphos. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 8, 100083; 2020. (Elsevier)
  67. Ahmed MBU, Ahammad AKS, Shahjahan M, Rabbi MF, Alam MA, Sakib MN, Bashar MA, Rahman MA, Hossain MY, Mahmud Y. Age, growth and maturity of the Indian Shad, Tenualosa ilisha through otolith examination from different habitats in Bangladesh. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 20(6), 343-359; 2020. (Elsevier)
  68. Islam SMM, Zahangir MM, Ashaf-Ud-Doulah M, Khatun MM, Shahjahan M*. Extreme ambient warm temperature alters oxygen consumption, micronucleus formation in erythrocytes and gill morphology of rohu (Labeo rohita) fingerlings. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 46(6), 2323-2330; 2020. (Springer; IF=2.9)
  69. Billah MM, Uddin MK, Samad MYA, Hassan MZB, Anwar MP, Talukder I, Shahjahan M, Haque ANA. Impact of feeding schedule on the growth performances of tilapia, common carp, and rice yield in an integrated rice-fish farming system. Sustainability, 12, 8658; 2020. (MDPI; IF=3.9)
  70. Ashaf-Ud-Doulah M, Mamun AA, Rahman ML, Islam SMM, Jannat R, Hossain MAR, Shahjahan M*. High temperature acclimation alters upper thermal limits and growth performance of Indian major carp, rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822). Journal of Thermal Biology, 93, 102738; 2020. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  71. Alam MR, Sharmin S, Islam SMM, Alam MA, Ehiguese FO, Pattadar SN, Shahjahan M*. Salinity intrusion affects early development of freshwater aquaculture species pabda, Ompok pabda. Aquaculture Reports, 18, 100476; 2020. (Elsevier; IF=3.7)
  72. Islam SMM, Sultana R, Imran M, Jannat MFT, Ashaf-Ud-Doulah M, Rohani MF, Brown C, Shahjahan M*. Elevated temperature affects growth and hemato-biochemical parameters, inducing morphological abnormalities of erythrocytes in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Aquaculture Research, 51, 4361-4371; 2020. (Wiley; IF=2.0)
  73. Hossain MM, Ali ML, Khan S, Haque MM, Shahjahan M*. Use of Asian watergrass as feed of grass carp. Aquaculture Reports, 18, 100434; 2020. (Elsevier; IF=3.7)
  74. Shahjahan M*, Khatun MS, Mun MM, Islam SMM, Uddin MH, Badruzzaman M, Khan S. Nuclear and cellular abnormalities of erythrocytes in response to thermal stress in common carp Cyprinus carpio. Frontiers in Physiology, 11, 543; 2020. (Frontiers; IF=4.0)
  75. Islam SMM, Rohani MF, Zabed SA, Islam MT, Jannat R, Akter Y, Shahjahan M*. Acute effects of chromium on hemato-biochemical parameters and morphology of erythrocytes in striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. Toxicology Reports, 7, 664-670; 2020. (Elsevier)
  76. Hossain MM, Rahman MH, Ali ML, Khan S, Haque MM, Shahjahan M*. Development of a low-cost aquaculture system utilizing Hygroryza aristata floating grass in the coastal wetlands of Bangladesh. Aquaculture, 527, 735430; 2020. (Elsevier; IF=4.5)
  77. Badruzzaman M, Amin AKMR, Ikegami T, Shahjahan M*. Melatonin inhibits reproductive activity through changes of serotonergic activity in the brain of freshwater catfish (Mystus cavasius). Aquaculture, 526, 735378; 2020. (Elsevier; IF=4. 5)
  78. Islam SMM, Zahangir MM, Jannat R, Hasan MN, Suchana SA, Rohani MF, Shahjahan M*. Hypoxia reduced upper thermal limits causing cellular and nuclear abnormalities of erythrocytes in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of Thermal Biology, 90, 102604; 2020. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  79. Shahjahan M*, Al-Emran M, Islam SMM, Baten SMM, Rashid H, Haque MM. Prolonged photoperiod inhibits growth and reproductive functions of rohu Labeo rohita. Aquaculture Reports, 16, 100272; 2020. (Elsevier; IF=3.7)
  80. Rahman MS, Islam SMM, Haque A, Shahjahan M*. Toxicity of the organophosphate insecticide sumithion to embryo and larvae of zebrafish. Toxicology Reports, 7, 317-323; 2020. (Elsevier)
  81. Shahjahan M*, Rahman MS, Islam SMM, Uddin MH, Al-Emran M. Increase in water temperature increases acute toxicity of sumithion causing nuclear and cellular abnormalities in peripheral erythrocytes of zebrafish Danio rerio. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 36903-36912; 2019. (Springer; IF=5.8)
  82. Ashaf-Ud-Doulah M, Shahjahan M*, Islam SMM, Al-Emran M, Rahman MS, Hossain MAR. Thermal stress causes nuclear and cellular abnormalities of peripheral erythrocytes in Indian major carp rohu Labeo rohita. Journal of Thermal Biology, 86, 102450; 2019. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  83. Islam SMM, Rahman MA, Nahar S, Uddin MH, Haque MM, Shahjahan M*. Acute toxicity of an organophosphate insecticide sumithion to striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. Toxicology Reports, 6, 957-962; 2019. (Elsevier)
  84. Rahman ML, Zahangir MM, Kitahashi T, Shahjahan M, Ando H. Effects of high and low temperature on expression of GnIH, GnIH receptor, GH and PRL genes in the male grass puffer during breeding season. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 282, 113200; 2019. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  85. Jahan A, Nipa TT, Islam SMM, Uddin MH, Islam MS, Shahjahan M*. Striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) could be suitable for coastal aquaculture. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 35, 994-1003; 2019. (Wiley; IF=1.2)
  86. Islam MA, Uddin MH, Uddin MJ, Shahjahan M*. Temperature changes influenced the growth performance and physiological functions in Thai pangas Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. Aquaculture Reports, 3, 100179; 2019. (Elsevier; IF=3.7)
  87. Hossain MI, Rahman MS, Amin AKMR, Ahmed SI, Shahjahan M*. Effects of sumithion on growth and production of phytoplankton and zooplankton in aquaculture pond. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 18(2), 307-318; 2019. (IF=0.8)
  88. Ando H, Shahjahan M, Kitahashi T. Periodic regulation of expression of genes for kisspeptin, gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone and their receptors in the grass puffer: Implications in seasonal, daily and lunar rhythms of reproduction. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 265, 149-153; 2018. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  89. Shahjahan M*, Uddin MH, Bain V, Haque MM. Increased water temperature altered hemato-biochemical parameters and structure of peripheral erythrocytes in striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 44 (5), 1309–1318; 2018. (Springer; IF=2.9)
  90. Shahjahan M, Kitahashi T, Ando H. Temperature affects sexual maturation through the control of kisspeptin, kisspeptin receptor, GnRH and GTH subunit gene expression in the grass puffer during the spawning season. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 243, 138-145; 2017. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  91. Shahjahan M, Kabir MF, Sumon KA, Bhowmik LR, Rashid H. Toxicity of organophosphorous pesticide sumithion on larval stages of stinging catfish Heteropneustes fossilis. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 35 (1), 109-114; 2017. (Springer; IF=1.6)
  92. Uddin MH, Shahjahan M*, Amin AKMR, Haque MM, Islam MA, Azim ME. Impacts of organophosphate pesticide, sumithion on water quality parameters and benthic invertebrates in aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture Reports, 3, 88-92; 2016. (Elsevier; IF=3.7)
  93. Shahjahan M, Doi H, Ando H. LPXRFamide peptide stimulates growth hormone and prolactin gene expression during the spawning period in the grass puffer, a semi-lunar synchronized spawner. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 227, 77-83; 2016. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  94. Akter S, Shahjahan M*, Hossain S, Rahman MS. Culture of Chlorella ellipsoidea in different inexpensive media and used as food for production of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 15 (1), 558-566; 2016. (IF=0.8)
  95. Sharker MR, Siddik MAB, Nahar A, Shahjahan M, Faruque AA. Genetic differentiation of wild and hatchery populations of Indian major carp Cirrhinus cirrhosus in Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Biology, 36(5), 1223-1227; 2015. (IF=0.8)
  96. Sharmin S, Shahjahan M*, Hossain MA, Haque MA, Rashid H. Histopathological changes in liver and kidney of common carp exposed to sub-lethal doses of malathion. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 47 (5), 1495-1498; 2015. (IF=0.8)
  97. Salam MA, Shahjahan M*, Sharmin S, Haque F, Rahman MK. Effects of sub-lethal doses of an organophosphorus insecticide sumithion on some hematological parameters in common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 47 (5), 1487-1491; 2015. (IF=0.8)
  98. Shahjahan M, Doi H, Ando H. Differential expression patterns of PQRFamide peptide and its two receptor genes in the brain and pituitary of grass puffer during the reproductive cycle. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 210, 152-160; 2015. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  99. Ando H, Ogawa S, Shahjahan M, Ikegami T, Doi H, Hattori A, Parhar IS. Diurnal and circadian oscillations in expression of kisspeptin, kisspeptin receptor and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone 2 genes in the grass puffer, a semilunar-synchronised spawner. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 26, 459-467; 2014. (Wiley; IF=3.2)
  100. Shahjahan M, Kitahashi T, Parhar IS. Central pathways integrating metabolism and reproduction in teleosts. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 5:36; 2014. (Frontiers; IF=5.2)
  101. Shahjahan M, Kitahashi T, Ogawa S, Parhar IS. Temperature differentially regulates the two kisspeptin system in the brain of zebrafish. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 193, 79-85; 2013. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  102. Ando H, Shahjahan M, Hattori A. Molecular neuroendocrine basis of lunar-related spawning in grass puffer. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 181, 211-214; 2013. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  103. Rahman MS, Shahjahan M*, Haque MM, Khan S. Control of euglenophyte bloom and fish production enhancement using duckweed and lime. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 11(2), 358-371; 2012. (IF=0.8)
  104. Shahjahan M, Ando H. Role of LPXRFamide peptide in the neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction in fish. Central European Journal of Biology, 6 (5), 853-860; 2011. (IF=0.8)
  105. Shahjahan M, Ikegami T, Osugi T, Ukena K, Doi H, Hattori A, Tsutsui K, Ando H. Synchronised expressions of LPXRFamide peptide and its receptor genes: seasonal, diurnal and circadian changes during spawning period in grass puffer. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 23, 39-51; 2011. (Wiley; IF=3.2)
  106. Shahjahan M, Motohashi E, Doi H, Ando H. Elevation of Kiss2 and its receptor gene expression in the brain and pituitary of grass puffer during the spawning season. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 169, 48-57; 2010. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)
  107. Shahjahan M, Hamabata T, Motohashi E, Doi H, Ando H. Differential expression of three types of gonadotropin-releasing hormone genes during the spawning season in grass puffer, Takifugu niphobles. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 167, 153-163; 2010. (Elsevier; IF=2.7)

  108. Publications in journals without IF

    1.  Hossain F, Bhowmik D, Abrar W, Islam SMM, Islam MS, Shahjahan M*. Gonadal development of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) in climate-caused salinity intrusion. Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 10(2), 89-98; 2024.

    2. Wakkas SA, Haque MI, Ashaf-Ud-Doulah M, Shahjahan M*. Impacts of food and habitat on blood profile of rohu Labeo rohita. Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 9(2), 23-29; 2023.

    1. Zannat MM, Hossain F, Rahman UO, Rohani MF, Shahjahan M*. An overview of climate-driven stress responses in striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) – prospects in aquaculture. Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 9(3), 70-88; 2023.
    2. Begum MA, Hasan J, Nuruzzaman M, Sumon KA, Shahjahan M*. Effects of probiotic yeast on hemato-biochemical parameters and histopathology of liver in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. KGF Journal of Agriculture, Accepted; 2022.
    3. Shira M, Chowdhury P, Rahman MS, Haque SM, Shahjahan M. Effects of organophosphate insecticide, sumithion on histopathology of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the natural pond condition. International Journal of Agricultural Research Innovation & Technology, 10(2): 66-75; 2021.
    4. Rahman UO, Jaman A, Shahjahan M, Islam MS. Impact of sex ratio on the spawning success of zebrafish in the laboratory settings. Progressive Agriculture 32(1): 78-83; 2021.
    5. Jega IS, Shahjahan M, Miah MI, Haque MM, Gana AB. Effects of stocking density on growth and survival of menoda catfish (Hemibagrus menoda) fry in Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Nigerian Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture, 8(1): 11-18; 2020.
    6. Rahman MS, Riad HM, Mahmud MS, Fatema MK, Shahjahan M*. Farmers' perception on quality of fish feed, broodstock and fingerlings produced in commercial fish farms of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 31(2), 177-185; 2020.
    7. Rahman AMM, Anwar MP, Hasan AK, Jyoti AN, Shahjahan M, Uddin MK, Yeasmin S. Optimization of stocking density and mixture ratio of tilapia and carp in rice-fish culture for higher bio-economic efficiency. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 26 (No 5), 944-957; 2020.
    8. Jyoti AN, Anwar MP, Yeasmin S, Hossain MD, Rahman AUMMM, Shahjahan M, Islam AKMM. Productivity and economics of rice-fish culture under different plant nutrient management. Journal of Agronomy 19(2), 54-64; 2020.
    9. Billah MM, Uddin MK, Samad MYA, Hassan MZB, Anwar MP, Kamal AHM, Shahjahan M, Abdulla-Al-Asif. Effects of different stocking density of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) on the growth performance and rice yield in rice-fish farming system. AACL Bioflux13(2), 789-803; 2020.
    10. Sharmin F, Rahman MS, Shahjahan M, Chowdhury P. Study of growth and productions of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on different population densities in monoculture. International Journal of Agricultural Research 9 (2), 76-83; 2020.
    11. Hasan K, Rahman MS, Sultana S, Shahjahan M. Effect of use of duckweed powder as a fish feed on monoculture of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). International Journal of Agricultural Research 9 (1), 73-83; 2019.
    12. Kabir M, Shahjahan M, Chowdhury P, Rahman MS. Histopathological and environmental effects of the insecticide, sumithion on the fish, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in pond condition. International Journal of Agricultural Research 9 (1), 84-95; 2019.
    13. Billah MM, Uddin MK, Samad MYA, Hassan MZB, Anwar MP, Kamal AHM, Shahjahan M, Abdulla-Al-Asif. Fertilization effects on the growth of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and rice yields in an integrated rice-fish farming system. AACL Bioflux, 12 (1), 121-132; 2019.
    14. Al-Emran M, Tanu SF, Rahman MS, Shahjahan M*. Effects of organophosphate pesticide sumithion on histopathology of liver and kidney in Thai sharputi Barbonymus gonionotus. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 30(2), 177-185; 2018.
    15. Jega IS, Miah MI, Huda NA, Rahman MA, Fatema MK, Haque MM, Shahjahan M. Reproductive biology of the threatened menoda catfish, Hemibagrus menoda (Hamilton, 1822) in the Kangsha River, Bangladesh. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 13(1) 39-48; 2018.
    16. Jega IS, Omar A, Miah MI, Haque MM, Shahjahan M. Embryology and early ontogenesis of the threatened menoda catfish, Hemibagrus menoda (Hamilton, 1822). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 6(5): 225-230; 2018.
    17. Jega IS, Miah MI, Fatema MK, Shahjahan M. Food and feeding habits of Hemibagrus menoda (Hamilton, 1822) (Siluriformes, Bagridae) in Kangsha River, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 30(1), 47-59; 2018.
    18. Uddin MH, Alim MS, Islam SMM, Rashid H, Shahjahan M*. Temperature changes alter acute toxicity response of cypermethrin in zebrafish. Progressive Agriculture 29 (1), 64-70; 2018.
    19. Al-Emran M, Rahman R, Miah MI, Shahjahan M*. Effects of stocking density on growth and production in monoculture of Thai sharpunti (Barbonymus gonionotus). Progressive Agriculture 28 (3), 249-252; 2017.
    20. Jega IS, Miah MI, Haque MM, Shahjahan M, Fatema MK, Ahmed ZF. Sex ratio, length-weight relationships and seasonal variations in condition factor of menoda catfish Hemibagrus menoda (Hamilton, 1822) of the Kangsha River in Bangladesh. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 5(5), 49-54; 2017.
    21. Mohshina MM, Shahjahan M, Chowdhury P, Rahman MS. Culture of Chlorella ellipsoidea in different culture media. International Journal of Agricultural Research Innovation & Technology, 7 (1): 51-57; 2017.
    22. Al Mahmud N, Rahman HMH, Mostakim GM, Khan MGQ, Shahjahan M, Lucky NS. Islam MS. Cyclic variations of gonad development of an air-breathing fish, Channa striata in the lentic and lotic environments. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 19:5, 1-7; 2016.
    23. Sharmin S, Salam MA, Haque F, Islam MS, Shahjahan M*. Changes in hematological parameters and gill morphology in common carp exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of Malathion. Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2 (3), 370-378; 2016.
    24. Ahmed SI, Zahangir MM, Haque F, Ahmmed MK, Shahjahan M*. Alteration of blood glucose and hemoglobin levels in zebrafish exposed to sumithion. Progressive Agriculture, 27 (2), 216-221; 2016.
    25. Hossain S, Miah MI, Islam MS, Shahjahan M*. Changes in hepatosomatic index and histoarchitecture of liver in common carp exposed to organophosphate insecticide sumithion. Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2 (2), 164-170; 2016.
    26. Siddiquee A, Rashid H, Islam MA, Ahmed KKU, Shahjahan M*. Reproductive biology of great snakehead Channa marulius from Sylhet basin in the North East Bangladesh. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 10 (4), 294-299; 2015.
    27. Ahmed SI, Ahmmed MK, Ghosh SK, Islam MM, Shahjahan M. Histo-architectural changes of intestinal morphology in zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to Sumithion. Research in Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, 2 (3), 499-506; 2015.
    28. Hossain S, Khatun MH, Rahman MK, Shahjahan M*. Impacts of sumithion on blood glucose and some hematological parameters in common carp. International Journal of Environment, 5 (1), 8-13; 2015.
    29. Hosen MA, Shahjahan M*, Rahman MS,Alam MJ. Effects of artificial feeds on growth and production of fishes in polyculture. International Journal of Agricultural Research Innovation & Technology, 4 (2), 11-15; 2014.
    30. Alam MJ, Shahjahan M*, Rahman MS, Rashid H, Hosen MA. Effects of different kinds of fertilizers on production of fishes in polyculture system. International Journal of Agricultural Research Innovation & Technology, 4 (2), 16-21; 2014.
    31. Abdullah-Al-Hasan, Shahjahan M*, Hossain MM, Haque MM. Fish availability and marketing system at three markets in Barisal, Bangladesh. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 7 (2), 765-773; 2014.
    32. Hossain MA, Miah MI, Hasan KR, Bornali JJ, Shahjahan M*. Present status of conservation and management of sea turtle in Cox's Bazar district, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Sciences, 42(2), 131-138; 2013.
    33. Akter S, Shahjahan M*, Rahman MS,Das PS. Suitabilityof Chlorella ellipsoidea as food for production of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus. International Journal of Agricultural Research Innovation & Technology, 3 (2), 41-48; 2013.
    34. Nupur N, Shahjahan M*, Rahman MS, Fatema MK. Abundance of macrozoobenthos in relation to bottom soil textural types and water depth in aquaculture ponds. International Journal of Agricultural Research Innovation & Technology, 3 (2), 1-6; 2013.
    35. Siddika F, Shahjahan M*, Rahman MS. Abundance of plankton population densities in relation to bottom soil textural types in aquaculture ponds. International Journal of Agricultural Research Innovation & Technology, 2 (1), 56-62, 2012.
    36. Talukdar MZH, Shahjahan M, Rahman MS. Suitability of duckweed (Lemna minor) as feed for fish in polyculture system. International Journal of Agricultural Research Innovation & Technology, 2 (1), 42-46, 2012.
    37. Uddin MN, Shahjahan M*, Haque MM. Manipulation of species composition in small scale carp polyculture to enhance fish production. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology, 10 (1), 9-12, 2012.
    38. Chowdhury MMR, Shahjahan M, Rahman MS, Islam MS. Duckweed (Lemna minor) as supplementary feed in monoculture of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 3, 54-59; 2008.
    39. Uddin MN, Rahman MS, Shahjahan M. Effects of duckweed (Lemna minor) as supplementary feed on monoculture of GIFT strain of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Progressive Agriculture, 18 (2), 183-188; 2007.
    40. Khan MA, Rashid H, Miah MI, Shahjahan M. Length-weight relationship and condition factor of some selected fish species from 'haor' area of Kishoregonj in Bangladesh. Progressive Agriculture, 18 (1), 173-178; 2007.
    41. Hassan MM, Khan MGQ, Hasanat MA, Shahjahan M. Nutritional composition of endemic carp, Labeo rohita. Progressive Agriculture, 16, 157-168; 2005.
    42. Ferdoushi Z, Shahjahan M, Haque F. Impacts of different aquatic macrophytes (duckweed) on the growth and production of different fish. Progressive Agriculture, 16, 149-155; 2005.
    43. Amin AKMR, Bapary MAJ, Islam MS, Shahjahan M, Hossain MAR. The impacts of compensatory growth on food intake, growth rate and efficiency of feed utilization in Thai pangas. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 8, 766-770; 2005.
    44. Shahjahan M, Islam MS, Bapary MAJ, Miah MI. Socioeconomic conditions of fisherman of the jamuna River. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 26, 47-52; 2003.
    45. Hussain MI, Shahjahan M, Miah MI, Habib MAB. Suitability of jackfruit seed powder medium for the growth of Chlorella ellipsoidea. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 25, 123-129; 2002.
    46. Khan MA, Shahjahan M, Miah MI, Sukhan ZP, Rashid H. Length-weight relationship and condition factor of Glossogobius giuris and Xenentodon cancila collected from haor area of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 25, 131-134; 2002.
    47. Karmaker PK, Shahjahan M, Miah MI, Habib MAB. Culture of microalgae (Chlorella ellipsoidea) in various concentrations of ripe and unripe bean seed powder media. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 24, 93-99; 2001.
    48. Shahjahan M, Miah MI, Haque MM. Present status of fisheries in the Jamuna River. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 4, 1173-1176; 2001.

Book Chapter

  1. Kitahashi T, Shahjahan M, Parhar IS.Hypothalamic regulation of pituitary gonadotropins; In Sexual Plasticity and Gametogenesis in Fishes. Eds. B. Senthilkumaran. NOVA Science Publishers Inc., USA.pp. 153-182; 2013.
  2. Ando H, Ikegami T, Maruyama Y, Shahjahan M, Hattori A.Neuroendocrine control of lunar-synchronized spawning rhythm in grass puffer; In Sexual Plasticity and Gametogenesis in Fishes. Eds. B. Senthilkumaran. NOVA Science Publishers Inc., USA.pp. 17-30; 2013.
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